Emotion Pulse

Emotion Pulse

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What makes people happy and what upsets them? Which information is stressful an which is relaxing? Should you avoid reading certain articles, websites, meetings or even conversations with certain people? Do you need countermeasures to stay cool? Do people from different demographic regions react differently?

Emotions are difficult to measure, while stress management an health get more vital in our society. Companies who know how their customers react to their subliminal messaging are more likely to be successful. Our goal is to make these unknowns observable, so we can analyze the data and make better decisions.


We want to be able to track the "pulse of life" of a person. With that and some additional data (which comes directly from the mobile phone) we want to be able to estimate how they feel, so we can optimize the communication strategies of companies and employers to their customers and employees.


By using Smart watches with a heart beat sensor we can measure the heart beat rate when browsing the web and try to correlate that data with the emotions of the person. The data is synced to https://parse.com, where extensive data analytics is possible.

It is possible to enhance the data collection further by aggregating additional information (additional apps integration, calendar entries, accelerator, GPS...). During the hackathon we lay the base for such an application.

Authors and Contributors

Idea and development by Diego Steiner @diegosteiner and Lukas Elmer @lukaselmer. Thanks to all the people who made http://hackzurich.ch/14 possible!

